Are you feeling tired, lacking energy, feeling stiff and sore? Do you want to find that extra energy and feel better in your day to day life? Join us for your POP UP Wellness Class! This class designed for all fitness levels and age groups who are looking to utilize lo-impact fitness, see improvements in flexibility, overall health and foster positive and supportive friendships along the way! The goal of this class to help you: - Feel stronger mentally and physically - Increase your balance, flexibility and stamina - Increase your overall health and fitness in a safe and supportive environment with your Coach and fellow participants Questions? Email: [email protected] **Please note there are no refunds once payment is received or partial memberships **Accepted payment methods are Visa, Visa/Debit, Mastercard, EFT (bring a void cheque) Note: If you have current or chronic injuries or have had any sort of orthopedic surgery, please let us know prior so we can connect with your Doctor, Physiotherapist or Chiropractor to ensure we are supporting you in the most appropriate and safest way possible based on your unique needs/wants. All movements/exercises in classes are geared to your abilities to help you become stronger, fitter and healthier all within a safe environment.
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